Interview with E.W. Harris, Singer/songwriter, Brooklyn

E.W. Harris is a singer/songwriter who is based in Brooklyn and performs internationally. This interview speaks to the logistics, realities and significance of touring and playing live, both at home and abroad, from a North American perspective. This blog post is based on an email interview with Emma Webster on 29 November 2017, which was part of the UK Live …  

Ten things learned at Venues Day 2017 – Emma Webster and Adam Behr

2017 saw the fourth instalment of the (hopefully) now annual Venues Day, which gathered over 300 venues from across the UK in one room. The day was kicked off by an impassioned introductory speech by BBC Radio 1’s Steve Lamacq in which told the assembled venues and promoters that ‘We must never stop telling people how important you are’ and …  

Gig Going on London’s Periphery: Charting the Mainstream in the Margins – Kevin Milburn

Kevin Milburn’s post charts the shift of live activity in London from the early 1960s to the present day from the west to the east and southeast, highlighting the closure of significant venues along the way, including the Lewisham Odeon, as played by The Beatles. The post shows that such sites were not threatened by lack of use or decline but instead because of being based in areas newly attractive to investors, alongside other external factors, a story very pertinent at a time when, according to one report, London lost 30% of its venues between 2007 and 2015.  

LIVE DMA Survey 2015 – LIVE DMA

A survey of LIVE DMA member organisations, covering mostly small to medium venues in Spain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Norway and the Netherlands, covering topics such as ticket sales and level of subsidy.  

Ten Things Learned at Venues Day 2015 – Emma Webster

Emma Webster’s blog post listing ten things learned at Venues Day 2015, from the need to make some noise about the issues facing small venues, to whether audiences are getting older, to suggestions of adopting the French model of a ticket levy to raise revenue for venues.