Music: Arts Council Investment Strategy – Arts Council England (2012) Arts Council England sets out its investment strategy for music for 2012-2015.
The arts festival sector in Yorkshire: economic, social and cultural benefits, benchmarks and development – Philip Long and Elizabeth Owen (2006) A report into the growing arts festival sector in Yorkshire which provides evidence of festivals’ contributions to the economic, social and cultural life of the region.
Building a stronger future for the arts: Arts Council of Wales Plan 2009-2012 – Arts Council of Wales (2009) Arts Council of Wales’s strategy for 2009-2012.
Creative Connections: a 5 years plan for developing the arts 2007-2012 – Arts Council of Northern Ireland (2007) Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s five-year plan for developing the arts.
Investing in Scotland’s Creative Future: Corporate Plan 2011-2014 – Creative Scotland (2011) Creative Scotland’s investment strategy for 2011-2014.
Achieving great art for everyone – Arts Council England (2010) Sets out Arts Council England’s ten-year vision with five ambitious goals at its heart.
Arts Council Plan 2011-15 – Arts Council England (2011) Sets out what Arts Council England will do to deliver its ‘Achieving great art for everyone’ goals and priorities over the years 2011-15.
Music policy 2007-2011 – Arts Council England (2006) Arts Council England’s priorities for music 2007-2011.