Birmingham Live Music and Brexit – Patrycja Rozbicka, Craig Hamilton, Adam Behr, Patricia Correa Vila, Luke John Davies (2019)

Author(s): Patrycja Rozbicka, Craig Hamilton, Adam Behr, Patricia Correa Vila, Luke John Davies Organisation: Aston University/Birmingham City University/Newcastle University Date: 2019 A report produced through collaborative research work undertaken at Aston University, Newcastle University and Birmingham City University. It seeks to look at the ways in which the live music ecology of Birmingham is constituted and how the sector is approaching challenges related to local, national …  

Mapping the Maps – Adam Behr

Maps are increasingly integrated into our everyday media consumption and there’s a growth in mapping musical activity – by academics, communities and businesses. In today’s post, Adam Behr tries to unpick some of the different motivations, methods and implications of mapping the music.