T in the Park 2005: Economic Impact – EKOS Ltd (2005)
Author: EKOS Ltd
Organisation/Affiliation/Publisher: DF Concerts
Date: 2005
The Economic Impact Assessment for the 2005 event revealed:
The average daily expenditure for festival visitors in 2005 was £52; a visitor to Perthshire spends on average just £17 per day; overnight visitors spent from £64-£102 depending on whether they were staying on or off-site overnight (compared with £54-£65 for all overnight visitors to Perthshire).
Looking at off-site spending – petrol, snacks, camping supplies, alcohol, hotel accommodation, meals – Perth and Kinross received £251,781 and Tayside £281,754. Relatively small figures, but considerable sums compared to average tourist spend. In 2005, 6,710 attendees were staying off-site during the festival. Many will have been local, or staying with nearby families, but a good proportion will have stayed in B&B, hotels and guesthouses.
The 2005 T in the Park event generated net additional impact of: net expenditure of £7.3 million for Scotland; £2.085 million for the wider Tayside region; £1.422 million in the Perth and Kinross area.
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