Economic Impact of Glastonbury Festivals 2007 – Baker Associates (2007)
Author: Baker Associates
Organisation/Affiliation/Publisher: Mendip District Council/Glastonbury Festivals
Date: 2007
Total expenditure on suppliers, contractors and nonpayroll staff by GFL is estimated at £20,224,600.
Expenditure on payroll staff (again allowing for uplift) is estimated at £1,012,000, giving a total GFL spend of £21,236,600 during the period November 2006 – October 2007.
An estimated 177,500 visitors went to the Glastonbury Festival in 2007 … The average spend per person (per trip) over all ticket categories was £144.12 on-site and £149.13 off- site, a total of £293.24 … Grossing up across all categories gives an estimated gross spend on-site of £25,579,700 and a gross spend off-site and of £26,470,230, totalling £52,049,930.
Added to the GFL spend discussed above this gives total gross spend directly associated with Glastonbury Festival in 2007 of £73,286,530.