Live Music Exchange Resources

A Sound Performance – Cliff Dane, Andy Feist and Kate Manton (1999)


Author(s): C. Dane, A. Feist and K. Manton
Organisation/Affiliation/Publisher: National Music Council
Date: 1999

The value of UK album sales rose from £611.4million in 1992 to £995.4m in 1998. Singles sales during the same period increased from £81.1m to £122.8m.  During 1997, the UK was the fourth largest music market in the world claiming 7.2% of global sales, behind the USA, Japan and Germany.  During 1992, imports to the UK totalled £139.9m against exports of £211.9m, giving a surplus of £72m. By 1997, the annual surplus had increased to £98.9m.


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