Live Music Exchange, Cardiff – Programme

NB This programme may be subject to change.

Live Music Exchange, Cardiff
‘Supporting Live Music in Hard Times’
Saturday 10th November, 2012
9.00am – 5.00pm, £10 / £5 (conc)
Zen Room, ATRiuM Building, University of Glamorgan

A one-day conference organised by The University of Edinburgh’s Live Music Exchange and The University of Glamorgan’s Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations.

09.00 – 09.15 Registration/Tea & Coffee
09.15 – 09.30 WelcomeAn introduction to the Live Music Exchange Project
09.30 – 10.30 Keynote Speaker:Professor George McKay (Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Salford and AHRC Leadership Fellow, Connected Communities Programme)

Title: ‘Festival, place, industry, community’

10.30 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 11.55 Panel discussion 1: Policies and policymakers: What is being done to support live music in Wales?Various public bodies in Wales provide support for the music industry in Wales.  What do these agencies do?  How do they support the industry?  To what extent do they work together?  What are their priorities and to what extent do these meet broader social, cultural and economic goals?


Dai Davies (Creative Industries Panel Wales)
John Rostron (Welsh Music Foundation)
Huw Williams (The Pooh Sticks)
Lisa Matthews (Arts Council of Wales)

Chair: Professor Martin Cloonan

12.05 – 13.00 Panel discussion 2: Skills and Training: What is being done to support live music in Wales?Research by Creative and Cultural Skills, a government advisory body, suggests that graduates are not leaving university with the skills the creative and cultural industries need.   Many are entering the jobs market without relevant experience.  What are universities in Wales doing to plug the skills gap?  What can be learnt from other higher education institutions?  Do we need more flexible courses?  Are university degrees relevant for jobs in the music industry?  What role do agencies like Creative and Cultural Skills have in this area?  What particular skills and training does the music industry in Wales require?

Sarah Gates (CC Skills)
Simon Bracken (Head of Faculty for Creative & Cultural at Cardiff and Vale College)
Lisa Jen Brown (9Bach)
Professor Martin Cloonan (University of Glasgow)

Chair: Dr Paul Carr (University of Glamorgan)

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 14.50 In conversation with Fiona Stewart ( Green Man Festival)
14.50 – 15.00 Break
15.00 – 15.45 Roundtable discussions:Delegates will be allocated a table and a topic for 15 minutes – tables will be rotated in order that all present can discuss each topic.  The last 15 minutes of the session will enable the Chair of each table to feed back to the group.
15.45 – 16.00 Live Music Exchange Project Team: concluding remarks