Live music as ideology – Martin Cloonan (2013)

Based on research carried out in the UK between 2008 and 2011, this paper examines the implications of the shift in discourse from recorded to live as ‘the’ popular music experience.  

Imagine: The value of music heritage tourism in the UK – UK Music (2014)

Author(s): UK MusicPublisher: UK MusicDate: 2014 Imagine is a report which looks at the unrealised potential of music heritage tourism in the UK. Millions of music tourists make pop pilgrimages to museums, take tours and visit the homes of the UK’s most loved bands every year. UK Music’s report examines how music tourists translate pop into pounds. Liverpool has been a standard …  

Green Orchestras Guide – Julie’s Bicycle (2010)

A practical and basic guide for orchestras, commissioned by ABO and Orchestras Live and authored by Julie’s Bicycle, it addresses the environmental impacts of their work: from office-based work to marketing and rehearsals.  

Green Music Guide – Julie’s Bicycle (2009)

A ‘how-to’ guide for music companies and individuals interested in greening their activities – from touring to offices, recording studios to festivals. Shows how the industry can meet London’s ambitious targets of cutting its emissions by 60% by 2025.