This post features two pieces from the LMX student interns – Brooke Harwood and Jolene Zhu Zhou – looking at the effect of social distancing on live music and, with an end to the pandemic hopefully in sight, at some of the emerging possibilities for performers and the live music sector at large.
Category Archives: General
There’s No Business For Show Business – Brooke Harwood
The British theatre industry reportedly employs around 290,000 people (as of 2018), making it one of a significant employer within the UK live sector as a whole. With the continuing disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, theatre has undoubtedly taken a substantial financial hit as a result of the virus. LMX research intern, Brooke Harwood, writes here about the efforts made to save a beleaguered theatre industry and the theatre companies’ determination to provide beloved festive shows in 2020.
Covid and the Welsh Music Industries – Paul Carr
In this post, Professor Paul Carr of the University of South Wales outlines a recent report presented to the Welsh Government’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee on the impact of Covid-19 on the Welsh music industries. Here, he summarises key findings and recommendations, and reflects on the process of conducting the research.
Safer spaces policies are really useful: Introducing a new Guide on how to write one – Rosemary Lucy Hill
‘Virtually Knockengorroch’ The festival season goes virtual: one promoter’s perspective – Katch Holmes
Looking for silver linings – Abigail Dunn
Gender Representation in TRNSMT’s 2020 Line-Up – Abigail Dunn
Pop music festivals and (cultural) policies – New IASPM Journal special issue
In this post, we’re introducing a special issue of the Journal of The International Association for the Study of Popular Music co-edited by the Live Music Exchange’s Martin Cloonan and Adam Behr, with Beate Flath. Festivals, along with live music in general, are increasingly a part of the broader political process and, relatedly, the cultural policy process. This timely issue approaches the politics of popular music festivals from a range of theoretical and geographical perspectives.
A Tribute to Dave Laing
The Popular Music scholar and writer, Dave Laing died suddenly on 6th January 2019. Amongst many other things, Dave was a very good friend to Live Music Exchange, someone to whom we often turned to for advice and help. Both were always freely given in a wonderfully supportive way. In this post, we offer an LMX tribute to Dave.