Live Music Exchange Blog

Hello. An introduction to the Live Music Exchange


Welcome to the blog for the Live Music Exchange. We are a new resource for stakeholders in the U.K live music sector and beyond including- promoters, agents, venues, musicians, production crew, academics, policy makers, third sector organisations and audiences.

We are part of a knowledge transfer project emerging from three years of in-depth and wide-ranging research into the social, cultural and economic dimensions of live music from current and historical perspectives. (See This follow-on project is designed to forge links between industry and the academy- to provide an informed yet impartial voice to foster the health of live music in the U.K.

As we move forward, we’ll be incorporating this blog into a fully-fledged online resource for anyone involved with, or interested in, live music —across genres and from new ventures to established players, local businesses and councils to national and international concerns. We’ll be providing research and mediation services, training materials and support for a range of practitioners, to encourage a vibrant and sustainable live music ecology.

In the meantime, while we develop our facilities, it’s important to us to hear a range of voices. We’ll be taking our work to industry and academic events in the coming months but this blog is an opening statement in a conversation about how different parties can work together — in concert— to develop live music for the maximum benefit of everyone involved.

Live music straddles policy, cultural, social and industry concerns and with expertise in a broad range of relevant areas (you can read more about us on the ‘About’ page) we provide a neutral and coherent overview of these fields and an awareness of the links between them. We hope you’ll join the conversation to help us focus our efforts in a mutually productive manner and promote an open and forward-looking space.

Please note that this is a forum for discussion, dialogue, and debate, and posts and comments on this blog represent only the author, not Live Music Exchange as a whole, or any other hosting or associated institutions.


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