The tide turning on ticket touts – Adam Behr

With Parliamentary attention turning to ticket touting again, today’s post features Live Music Exchange’s Adam Behr writing about Ticketmaster’s decision to close its secondary market sites in Europe, and a video of an expert panel on the secondary market from the Live Music Exchange Newcastle event in 2016.  

Adele Beats The Touts – Bob Lefsetz

This week’s blog post was written by music industries blogger, Bob Lefsetz, and originally published in the regular Lefsetz Letter. In it, he examines the live music and ticketing industries, and Adele’s attempts to beat the touts for her latest tour.  

The $20 Ticket – Bob Lefsetz

This week’s blog post was written by music industries blogger, Bob Lefsetz, and originally published in the regular Lefsetz Letter, republished here with permission. In it, he shows how Kid Rock bargained with his merch company, and his promoter and ticket agent, in order to get a fairer deal for the fans.  

Ticketmaster and Live Nation: A report on the anticipated merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc and Live Nation, Inc [full report / appendices and glossary] – Competition Commission (2009)

Competition Commission report into the merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc and Live Nation – includes analysis of the live music industry in the UK and the competitive effects of the merger in the market for the primary retailing of tickets for live music events and in the markets for live music promotion and live music venues.