Are DJ fees killing dance music? – Gareth Whitehead

This week’s blog post is by guest contributor Gareth Whitehead, who manages Bullet Dodge Records, regularly  promotes House and Techno events, and lectures in Music Business at New College Lanarkshire. In it, he highlights the issue of high DJ fees and the booking agents who ask for them, and questions whether there is now a need for collective action against …  

Music Licensing and Sustainable Nightlife: Germany’s “GEMA- Tarifreform” Debates – Luis-Manuel Garcia

Our latest guest post is by Luis-Manuel Garcia, of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. It provides a brief overview of the author’s in-depth article for Resident Advisor. Here he explains the background to the dispute that has erupted regarding the German royalty collection society’s proposed tariff reforms and their potential effect on the nightclub scene.