In today’s post the team from the Birmingham Live Music Project – Dr Patrycja Rozbick (Aston University), Dr Craig Hamilton (Birmingham City University) and Live Music Exchange’s Dr Adam Behr (Newcastle University) – look at the implications of moving the date for easing lockdown restrictions in the UK and the crisis this could provoke for music venues.
Tag Archives: Covid-19
Looking beyond the pandemic – Brooke Harwood and Jolene Zhu Zhou
There’s No Business For Show Business – Brooke Harwood
The British theatre industry reportedly employs around 290,000 people (as of 2018), making it one of a significant employer within the UK live sector as a whole. With the continuing disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, theatre has undoubtedly taken a substantial financial hit as a result of the virus. LMX research intern, Brooke Harwood, writes here about the efforts made to save a beleaguered theatre industry and the theatre companies’ determination to provide beloved festive shows in 2020.
Covid and the Welsh Music Industries – Paul Carr
In this post, Professor Paul Carr of the University of South Wales outlines a recent report presented to the Welsh Government’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee on the impact of Covid-19 on the Welsh music industries. Here, he summarises key findings and recommendations, and reflects on the process of conducting the research.
The Welsh Music Industries in a Post-Covid World: A Report for the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee – Professor Paul Carr
Home thoughts on festive occasions – Simon Frith
‘Virtually Knockengorroch’ The festival season goes virtual: one promoter’s perspective – Katch Holmes
Journal of a Plague Week – Simon Frith
Our latest post is by Professor Simon Frith OBE, Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh, former Chair of the Mercury Prize, music critic, and co-founder of Live Music Exchange. Here, he reflects on past gigs and the curtailment of live music activity as a result of Covid-19, from a personal and sociological perspective.