Lockdown delay: how music venues will be impacted by uncertainty over relaxing restrictions – Patrycja Rozbicka, Adam Behr and Craig Hamilton

In today’s post the team from the Birmingham Live Music Project – Dr Patrycja Rozbick (Aston University), Dr Craig Hamilton (Birmingham City University) and Live Music Exchange’s Dr Adam Behr (Newcastle University) – look at the implications of moving the date for easing lockdown restrictions in the UK and the crisis this could provoke for music venues.  

Looking beyond the pandemic – Brooke Harwood and Jolene Zhu Zhou

This post features two pieces from the LMX student interns – Brooke Harwood and Jolene Zhu Zhou – looking at the effect of social distancing on live music and, with an end to the pandemic hopefully in sight, at some of the emerging possibilities for performers and the live music sector at large.  

There’s No Business For Show Business – Brooke Harwood

The British theatre industry reportedly employs around 290,000 people (as of 2018), making it one of a significant employer within the UK live sector as a whole. With the continuing disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, theatre has undoubtedly taken a substantial financial hit as a result of the virus. LMX research intern, Brooke Harwood, writes here about the efforts made to save a beleaguered theatre industry and the theatre companies’ determination to provide beloved festive shows in 2020.  

Covid and the Welsh Music Industries – Paul Carr

In this post, Professor Paul Carr of the University of South Wales outlines a recent report presented to the Welsh Government’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee on the impact of Covid-19 on the Welsh music industries. Here, he summarises key findings and recommendations, and reflects on the process of conducting the research.  

Home thoughts on festive occasions – Simon Frith

In our latest blog post, Live Music Exchange co-founder Professor Simon Frith OBE reflects on the history of festivals, along with how they have been studied, and considers the implications of Covid-19 for their future.  

Journal of a Plague Week – Simon Frith

Our latest post is by Professor Simon Frith OBE, Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh, former Chair of the Mercury Prize, music critic, and co-founder of Live Music Exchange. Here, he reflects on past gigs and the curtailment of live music activity as a result of Covid-19, from a personal and sociological perspective.