Live Music Exchange Resources

The Rocktober Report: The Live Music Act, One Year On – UK Music / Musicians’ Union


Author(s): UK Music / Musicians’ Union
Publisher: UK Music / Musicians’ Union

UK Music surveyed 1,000 small venues last year and found that 78% of them did not know about the new Live Music Act.

Given that the main beneficiary of the Act is grassroots music, the lifeblood of our industry, UK Music decided to join forces with the Musicians’ Union to address this knowledge gap.
We conducted a series of roundtables meeting musicians, venue owners, venue managers, music producers, music managers and most importantly, the local MPs who made the Act a possibility.

From our survey last year, 17% of venues indicated that they would consider putting on live events for the first time. 24% said they would increase their current provision.

This Rocktober Report is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Live Music Act coming into force, and is intended to gather together the feedback from people who
know the live music business best. We spoke to people in Bristol, Birmingham, London, Liverpool and Cardiff. This Report will help the music industry plan further activity
around deregulation for live and grassroots music.

Click here to read the full report.


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