The Economic Impact of the Cultural and Creative Industries in Oxfordshire – Oxford Inspires (2010)
Author(s): David Powell Associates Ltd and URS
Publisher: Oxford Inspires
Date: March 2010
Oxfordshire’s cultural and creative sector makes a substantial contribution to the county’s quality of life and its economy. This research was commissioned to show how this happens, how the county’s prosperity and future prospects might benefit most effectively from its significant local presence, and to identify how best to support this important sector.
This report provides evidence for the cultural and creative industries (CCI) sector to support the case for more effective and concerted action from regional, countywide and local agencies, and by the sector itself. It proposes a number of practical steps which Oxford Inspires and others can take to support this important economic and cultural activity in challenging times.
The research looks at businesses, enterprises and practices in advertising; architecture; art and antiques; computer games, software and electronic publishing; fashion; museums and other cultural facilities; music, the visual and performing arts; publishing; radio and television; and video, film and photography. Cultural tourism and heritage, festivals, museums and galleries, community arts organisations, individual artists and crafts people are therefore included, but not the visitor and tourism or the sports sectors. Spanning museums and media companies, architects and archives, film makers and festivals, publishers and public art, the CCI sector is part of the knowledge economy which gives the county its international reputation.
Read the technical report here.