Live music: A local case study (Portsmouth in the 1960s) – Dave Allen (2011)
Author: Dave Allen
Organisation/Affiliation: University of Portsmouth
Date: 2011
“This paper draws on a project called “Pompey Pop” that in one sense I have been involved in for around fifty years and in a more specific and structured way for the past two years. The on-going project set out initially to document popular music in and around the city of Portsmouth, from the end of the war in 1945 to 1969. This detail can be found in a number of publications and websites – especially
“In this paper I will draw on that information, identifying some broader ideas about that scene, popular music in general and about methodological issues that have arisen in the process.”
Click here for the full paper.
You can read Dave Allen’s introduction to ‘Pompey Pop’ on this website here.