Investing in Scotland’s Creative Future: Corporate Plan 2011-2014 – Creative Scotland (2011)
Author(s): Creative Scotland
Organisation/Affiliation: Creative Scotland
Date: 2011
Mission: To invest in Scotland’s creative future.
Vision: That Scotland is recognised as a leading creative nation – one that attracts, develops and retains talent, where the arts and the creative industries are supported and celebrated and their economic contribution fully captured, a nation where the arts and creativity play a central part in the lives, education and well-being of our population.
Objectives: Creative Scotland will use the word ‘invest’ as the basis for a simple set of memorable objectives:
– To invest in talent;
– To invest in quality artistic production;
– To invest in audiences, access and participation;
– To invest in the cultural economy;
– To invest in places and their contribution to a creative Scotland.
Three cross-cutting themes will underpin all of our objectives:
– Education and a commitment to a generational change in cultural opportunity;
– International partnership to reflect Scotland’s global outlook;
– Equalities in all areas of our work.