Live Music Round-table Session, Glasgow, Wednesday 23rd January 2013
Date: Wednesday 23rd January 2013
Location: Glasgow City Halls Recital Hall.
Times: 10.00am-5.00pm
We are inviting a wide range of live stakeholders including live music practitioners (venues, promoters, etc.), policy-makers, journalists, and bodies such as local and national authorities (licensing, police, etc.).
This mediation event will take the form of a round table discussion in which grievances can be aired and compromises can be sought, in order that the various stakeholders are able to better understand each other’s points of view.
The draft timetable is below (NB may be subject to change):-
10.00 Arrival/tea and coffee etc.
10.30 Welcome and introduction to the issues from the Live Music Exchange team
11.00 Mediation session, featuring a panel of live music practitioners describing the problems they face with local/national regulation and other relevant policies; solutions that have been reached; good and bad relations, etc.
1.00 Lunch
2.00 Case study 1: Public Entertainment Licenses
3.15 Tea/coffee break
3.30 Case study 2: The Hydro – featuring representatives from the project
5.00 Adjourn to a pub