A study that conducts a comparative life cycle carbon audit to examine the environmental burdens of ticketing options. It adopts a holistic perspective and models each activity involved in the ticketing life cycle – from ticket printing and email creation to delivery and processing.
Category Archives: Tickets and secondary ticketing
Ticketmaster and Live Nation: A report on the completed merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc and Live Nation, Inc [full report / appendices and glossary] – Competition Commission (2010)
Ticketmaster and Live Nation: A report on the anticipated merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc and Live Nation, Inc [full report / appendices and glossary] – Competition Commission (2009)
Competition Commission report into the merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc and Live Nation – includes analysis of the live music industry in the UK and the competitive effects of the merger in the market for the primary retailing of tickets for live music events and in the markets for live music promotion and live music venues.