Live streaming and the emergence of platform musicians – Keith Negus and Qian Zhang

In this blog post Keith Negus (Professor of Musicology at Goldsmiths, University of London) and Qian Zhang (Associate Professor at the School of Music and Recording Art, Communication University of China) present observations and a case-study from their new journal article on the evolution of the live music economy and new patterns of commodification that are emerging in the face of digitalization.  

Lockdown delay: how music venues will be impacted by uncertainty over relaxing restrictions – Patrycja Rozbicka, Adam Behr and Craig Hamilton

In today’s post the team from the Birmingham Live Music Project – Dr Patrycja Rozbick (Aston University), Dr Craig Hamilton (Birmingham City University) and Live Music Exchange’s Dr Adam Behr (Newcastle University) – look at the implications of moving the date for easing lockdown restrictions in the UK and the crisis this could provoke for music venues.